籍贯:江西九江 出生年月:1990.11 政治面貌:中共党员 学历:博士研究生 职称:副教授 职务:无 联系地址:华东交通大学电气与自动化工程最有信誉的网投app 电话:13296680350 电子邮件:ydaojin@163.com |
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金“基于模仿学习的仿人服务机器人柔顺步行控制研究” (52005182),主持。
[2] 江西省自然科学基金青年项目 “基于模仿学习的仿人服务机器人步行模式生成与主被动柔顺控制研究” (20202BABL214027),主持。
[3] 江西省教育厅青年科技项目“仿人机器人步行系统建模与控制”(GJJ190357),主持。
[1] Daojin Yao, Yao Wu, Jie He, et al. Feedforward Control for Underactuated Bipedal Walking on Compliant Continuous Steps with Varying Height [J], Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control.
[2] Daojin Yao, Siyu He, Wu Yao, Xiaohui Xiao. Feedforward Control for Underactuated Bipedal Walking on Varying Compliant Slopes [J], Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 42(2): 105-115.
[3] Daojin Yao, Wu Yao, Wang Yang, Xiaohui Xiao. Experimental Validation of an Adaptive Feedforward Control Method for Underactuated Bipedal Walking on Compliant Ground [J], International Journal of Robotics and Automation, 2018, 33(5): 552-558.
[4] Yang Wang, Daojin Yao (共同第一), Jie He, Xiaohui Xiao. A Stabilization Method Based on an Adaptive Feedforward Controller for the Underactuated Bipedal Walking with Variable Step-Length on Compliant Discontinuous Ground [J]. Complexity, 2020, (2020): 1-16.
[5] 姚道金, 董文涛, 王晓明, 等. 面向不平地面的双足欠驱动步行稳定控制[J]. 中国机械工程.
[6] 姚道金, 王杨, 姚渊, 等. 基于质心运动状态的双足机器人欠驱动步行稳定控制[J]. 机器人, 2017, 39(3):324-332.
[7] 姚道金, 张勇, 吴垚,等. 面向变高度连续台阶的双足欠驱动步行稳定控制[J]. 机器人, 2018, 40(5):712-722.
[8] Yao Wu, Daojin Yao, Xiaohui Xiao. The effects of ground compliance on flexible planar passive biped dynamic walking [J], Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2018,32(4): 1793~1804.
[9] Yao Wu, Daojin Yao, Xiaohui Xiao. Adaptive stiffness control of passivity-based biped robot on compliant ground using double deep Q network [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science.
[10] Yao Wu, Daojin Yao, Xiaohui Xiao, Zhao Guo. Intelligent controller for passivity-based biped robot using deep Q network [J]. Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems.
[11] Yao Wu, Daojin Yao, Xiaohui Xiao. Optimal Design for Flexible Passive Biped Walker Based on Chaotic Particle Swarm Optimization [J]. Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology.
[12] Wentao Dong, Daojin Yao, Lin Yang. Soft Bimodal Sensor Array Based on Conductive Hydrogel for Driving Status Monitoring, 2020, 20(1641): 1-13.
[13] Jie Ling, Zhao Feng, Daojin Yao, Xiaohui Xiao. Non-linear contour tracking using feedback PID and feedforward position domain cross-coupled iterative learning control [J], Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 2018, 40(6):1970–1982.
[14] 姚渊, 姚道金, 肖晓晖, 等. 面向非连续性地面的双足欠驱动步行稳定控制[J]. 机器人, 2017, 39(5):742-750.
[15] 李文锋, 王隆进, 姚道金, 等. 基于运动特征分析的人体异常行为:侗餥J]. 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2014, 42(7):87-91.
[16] Ling J, Feng Z, Yao D, et al. A position domain iteration learning control for contour tracking with application to a multi-axis motion testbed[C]// American Control Conference. IEEE, 2016:1247-1252.
[17] Ding J, Yang M, Zhou J, Yao D, et al. Robust real-time walking pattern generation with dynamical consistency: an analytical method combined with optimal solution[C]// IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. IEEE, 2017.
[1] 李文锋,姚道金,明华宏,符修文,等.可遥控环境监控系统及实现环境巡检和系统巡检的方法, CN201310737932.X.(发明专利,已授权)
[2] 肖晓晖, 张强, 姚道金, 寇重光, 等. 一种基于柔性驱动器的欠驱动双足步行机器人, CN105599822A.(发明专利,已授权)
[3] 王伟, 钟力强, 游鹏辉, 张春雷, 马庆增, 姚道金, 等. 电力金属部件清扫探伤机器人控制系统及方法, CN105004787A.(发明专利,已授权)
[4] 姚道金,程宵,王晓明. 一种考虑地面柔性的3D欠驱动双足步行机器人动力学模型计算方法,CN201910972937.8. (发明专利,实审中)
[5] 程宵,董文涛,姚道金. 一种多功能聚合物机器人皮肤及其制备方法,CN201910946834.4.(发明专利,实审中)
[6] 董文涛,程宵,姚道金. 一种多功能聚合物机器人皮肤及其制备方法,CN201910255052.6. (发明专利,实审中)
[7] 肖晓晖, 游鹏辉, 成甫, 陈潇, 姚道金, 等. 基于3G/GSM网络的自供电多变量分布式在线监测系统及方法, CN201610084129.4.(发明专利,实审中)